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We are happy to have you in our team


The tutoring service offered by SPELT Idiomas is taught at home. The tutor goes to the client's home to provide the service.


You, as the tutor, are responsible for notifying SPELT of any suspicion or confirmation of being a carrier of the COVID-19 virus.


Please read the following questionnaire with the most common questions and the answer according to the COVID-19 protocol that was implemented in all divisions of the SPELT Idiomas company.


What do I do if I have symptoms related to the COVID-19 virus?


1.- Immediately notify the administration of SPELT and the family where I provide the service.


2.- Take a laboratory test to determine if I am a carrier of the COVID-19 virus


** SPELT gives the tutor 3 calendar days to wait for the test result. Said days will be paid, as long as we have the document issued by the laboratory when taking the test, regardless of the result of the test. If the result takes more days, we continue in isolation, however, the subsequent days will be without pay for the tutor.


3.- Ask SPELT if the family agreed to take online tutoring on those days in order to support them. In the event that my physical conditions do not allow it, I will notify SPELT so that they can put a replacement.


4.- If the result is positive, and I is a carrier of COVID-19, CONFIRMED by the laboratory, I have to notify the SPELT administration, and they will notify the client. In this case, SPELT suspends the service until completing 15 days from the day the test was performed. separates avoid any contagion to my students and their family. Those 15 calendar days will be paid, and start counting from the day the test was performed. I will ask SPELT if they need me to support online, or we will wait for my return to continue.


What do I do if the mother tells me that one of the children has symptoms related to COVID-19?


1.- Notify the SPELT administration.


2.- SPELT will confirm for me to be able to isolate ourselves for 3 calendar days while they do the laboratory test on the child and we know the result. Those days are with pay. I will check with SPELT if there will be online classes, or we wait. In the event that the result takes longer, we continue in isolation, although without pay.


3.- If the result is negative, I will return to face-to-face tutoring after said days.


4.- If the result is positive, and one of my students is carrier_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d,_of COVID-19SPELT suspends the service for 15 calendar days, to avoid any contagion and monitor symptoms in other students and in myself. Those 15 days will be with pay. I will ask SPELT if they need me to help online, or we will wait for your return to continue.


What do I do if someone living in my house has COVID-19 symptoms?


1.- Continue my normal life, with the measures of healthy distance and mouth covers,  until I know the laboratory result. According to national protocols, the person with symptoms must isolate themselves from others. 


2.- In the event that someone who lives in my house, or someone who lives in my students' house, tests POSITIVE to the COVID-19 virus in a CONFIRMED laboratory test,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Thanks for submitting! and


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